Complex Number

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Self Assesment
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Self Assesment

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Question No: #40

Find square root of following complex number --
i) `i`
ii) `-2i`
iii) `\frac{1+i}{1-i}`
iv) `\frac{-1+\sqrt{-3}}{2}`
v) `7-24i`
vi) `y+\sqrt{y^2-x^2}` where `y^2 \lt x^2`
vii) `1+i\sqrt{a^4-1}`
viii) `x-i\sqrt{x^4+x^2+1}`
ix) `1+i`
x) `1-i`
Ans: i) `\pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(1+i)`
ii) `\pm (1-i)`
iii) `\pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (1+i)`
iv) `\pm 1/2 (1+i\sqrt{3})`
v) `\pm (4-3i)`
vi) `\pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (\sqrt{y+x}+\sqrt{y-x})`
vii) `\pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (\sqrt{a^2+1}+i\sqrt{a^2-1})`
viii) `\pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (\sqrt{x^2+x+1}-i\sqrt{x^2-x+1})`
ix) `\pm (\sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{2}+1}{2}} + i \sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{2}-1}{2}})`