Set Theory

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Self Assesment
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Self Assesment

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Question No: #38

If `U` be the universal set and `A,B` are two subsets of `U` where `U={1,3,5,7,9,12,15}`, `A={1,5,9,15}`, `B={3,7,9,12,15}`, then find the following sets.
(a) `A^c`, (b) `A\cupB`, (c) `A\capB`, (d) `A-B`, (e) `B-A`, (f) `A^c\cupB^c`, (g) `A^c\capB^c`, (h) `(A\capB)\cup(A-B)`
Ans: (a) `A^c = {3, 7,12}`
(b) `A \cup B = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15}`
(c) `A \cap B = {9, 15}`
(d) `A - B = {1, 5}`
(e) `B - A = {3, 7, 12}`
(f) `A^c \cup B^c = {1, 3, 5, 7, 12}`
(g) `A^c \cap B^c = \phi`
(h) `(A \cap B) \cup (A-B) = {1, 5, 9, 15}`